The hurricane was the first actively tracked tropical cyclone that moved into the eastern Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic ocean.
U.S. Navy ships actively tracked and reported movements of Iranian shipping and defences.
In addition to releasing alpha and beta prereleases, the distributions also make it easy for users to actively track ongoing development by updating from development software repositories.
Those forces who were not actively tracking him down, anyway, with orders to bring him in dead or alive.
MANPADS are capable of actively tracking the target as opposed to flying in a ballistic trajectory as the unguided RPG-missiles do; allowing kills at high altitude (which are too far to be hit by an unguided projectile).
SpaceWorks actively tracks the small satellite industry, and is the leading source for small satellite market projections.
Among the categories not actively tracked at this time are: perennial sellers, required classroom reading, textbooks, reference and test preparation guides, journals, workbooks, calorie counters, shopping guides, comics, crossword puzzles and self-published books.
Anime distributor Odex has been actively tracking down and sending legal threats against individual BT users in Singapore since 2007.
Hurricane Irene-Olivia was the first actively tracked tropical cyclone to move into the eastern Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic basin.
In Singapore, anime distributor Odex has been actively tracking down and sending legal threats against internet users in Singapore since 2007.