Investment bankers say that their customers, expressing concern about holding French securities, have been more actively selling in favor of mark or dollar investments.
Con-way was created to provide nonunion, regional short-haul service in markets where CF wasn't actively selling its services.
They say that instead of actively selling the show, the producers are sitting back and waiting for a miracle at the box office.
Mr. Greenberg has been actively selling during the last four years, in addition to collecting.
Overseas investors sold actively on Wall Street after years of having poured money into the bull market.
This was at a time when the Canterbury Association was actively selling land in New Zealand.
It is actively selling its expertise through research contracts at home and abroad.
The Federal Reserve actively sold dollars from August through October to prevent further gains by the dollar.
The company has been actively selling assets to reduce that amount.
-- Our information indicates the Chinese firm is actively selling its thermal imaging systems to Iranian defense entities.