He began the series as someone who actively questioned whether it was right to use the Force as a weapon.
Bush Collects Most Money And historically the Federal Election Commission has not actively questioned prospective candidates about their pre-announcement activities.
He actively questions them.
Such events occur sometimes in extraordinary circumstances when the existing political order seems to be on the verge of collapse and large masses of people actively question its legitimacy.
She did not actively question the Bible herself.
Judge Pohl actively questioned the defendant, prodding him to take responsibility for what he had done.
The franchise's non-video game media, particularly the anime, has expanded upon the character, giving Mewtwo a male voice and, while aware of why it was created, actively questioning its own existence.
However, Cronin shows herself to be actively questioning that type of work and presents her catalogue raisonné as a potentially critical feminist project.
Daley is Leon's partner, and a highly skilled investigator who actively questions the contradictory nature of the AD department's relationship with the Knight Sabers.
They could actively question concepts that have received far more attention than they are worth: Festival marketplaces.