A variation of this theory is that Gandhi actively conspired with the British to have Bhagat Singh executed.
In the short -term, terrorists who are actively conspiring to create mayhem using civilian victims as their targets must be fought, unfortunately, with lethal force.
At worst, there'll be even more pressure to cover up mistakes by not reporting them or even actively conspiring to conceal them.
Kubota actually does care, as he actively conspired with devils to place himself on Azure City's throne.
It's hard for the institution when the kid is actively conspiring against his parents.
He also informed me that he had heard rumors that Jackson actively conspired with the pirates.
Some of the first episode's villains are developed as actively conspiring against heroes Donny and Skye, with the motive of exploiting illegal immigrants.
Not that I believe that men in general actively conspire against women in sport, although there are some who do so.
In the eyes of police, people who actively conspire to break the law are not regarded as "clubs," "debating salons," "users' groups," or "free speech advocates."
According to Cooper the Illuminati conspirators not only invented alien threats for their own gain, but actively conspired with extraterrestrials to take over the world.