Hudecki and his wife and children were active and devoted parishioners of St. Joseph's Church in Hamilton's West end.
The McMahons, who owned two successful funeral homes nearby, were active parishioners.
The orthodox clergy, including active parishioners, was nearly annihilated: 85% of the 35,000 members of the clergy were arrested.
Some locals resisted these changes and left the area in the process sometimes called "urban flight", further reducing the number the number of active parishioners.
He was also an active parishioner of Resurrection Church in Rye.
Captain James Cook was an active parishioner and John Wesley preached in the church from time to time.
On Sunday, 27 people stayed after services at the church, which has about 50 active parishioners.
In addition, Raheny's Church of Ireland population was falling, and active parishioners becoming scarcer, with perhaps 8 or 9 at General Vestry meetings.
Approximately 1800 active parishioners attend the Cathedral's holy eucharist services and participate in various activities.
The congregation are active parishioners, who share and contribute their knowledge, skills, and trades, in various ministries and committees of the church.