This is the first time that a large summit meeting has been held in a country that still has an active, if weakened, Communist insurgency.
The sugar-growing areas of the Philippines are where there is an active Communist insurgency against the fragile democracy of President Corazon C. Aquino.
It is currently actively primarily in the states of Blue Nile and South Kordofan, where its armed branch is engaged in an active insurgency against the government of Sudan.
All this means that we are now fighting an active two-front insurgency.
She remains sandwiched between an active insurgency and a frustrated military, which is both her protector and her most immediate threat.
During the 1980s, Honduras supported U.S. policy opposing a revolutionary Marxist government in Nicaragua and an active leftist insurgency in El Salvador.
"We understand that there is an active insurgency."
Once an active insurgency began, the secrecy could limited freedom of action, distort information about goals and ideals, and restrict communication within the insurgency.
The neighborhood graffiti broadcasts the presence of an active insurgency: "Long live Abu Hamza al-Muhajar," reads one scrawl, referring to a local insurgent leader.
Colombia operates the aircraft in a COIN role against an active insurgency.