The Rhodesian Security Forces launched Operation Hurricane in response and fought back strongly, reducing the number of guerrillas active within the country to under 300 by December 1974.
The I.R.A., estimated to have about 400 active guerrillas, has killed about 900 members of the British security forces, including 643 soldiers.
It was estimated that at their moment of maximum effort, the Karens mustered 8,000 active guerrillas (some sources claim 12,000), plus many more sympathisers and auxiliaries.
Carrying out a different policy toward active guerrillas, 500 soldiers today overran Casa Verde, the command center of the Colombian RevolutionaryArmed Forces.
It is a large communist movement" [1], referring to active Communist guerrillas operating in the Philippines at the time.
The I.R.A., which is estimated to have about 300 active guerrillas, is thought responsible for more than half of the deaths in the strife.
There are no active guerrillas although there are indications that the Communist MPD and 14th of June Movement would like to open a front.
Through the war, however, the fort was intermittently used for refuge against guerrillas active in the area.
The security forces mounted a strong counter-campaign and by the end of 1974 had reduced the number of guerrillas active within the country to under 300.
Captain Kroon assembled what was left of the Menado Compagnie (about 50 men) and retreated toward Kembes, hoping to start an active guerrilla from this place.