North Korea still maintains a large active fleet of Mi-2s.
At the beginning of 1963 the active fleet included 273 trolleybuses.
The ship served with the active fleet for ten years, by which time the new dreadnoughts were beginning to come into service.
Over a year later, the command ship returned to the active fleet.
There are 136 active fleets in the US alone, which offer a lot of race competition.
Stembel joined the active fleet again on 9 November 1951.
The last of these in the active fleet, 680, was withdrawn around February 2009.
Six months later, she rejoined the active fleet and, on 7 June 1902, sailed north.
The active fleet increased by 13 percent from 1985 to 1988.
She completed shakedown and was accepted into the active fleet on 8 June.