This is seen as Los's division into active male and tearful female, the latter deluding the former.
Under Reid's care, the three sexually active females have all produced eggs.
The writers of these movies, intentionally or not, have created active female leads a rock star could be proud of.
The bacteria may also reside in the urinary tract and bladder of sexually active females.
Reproductively active females frequently switch roosts to find optimal roosting conditions.
An important factor in sexual selection, it allows for the establishment and recognition of dominance as males compete for access to sexually active females.
The vaccines provide little benefit to women having already been infected with HPV types 16 and 18, which includes most sexually active females.
In addition, the skaters in these studies consumed far fewer than the 2,200 kilocalories per day recommended for very active females.
From Christine de Pizan to the present, women have looked to her as a positive example of a brave and active female.