While performing a high speed landing maneauvre, his automatic activation device fired at approximately 300 feet above the ground and deployed his reserve parachute.
Among the recommendations being made by the British Parachute Association arising from his investigation of Mr Tipping's death, was that parachutists should consider fitting automatic activation devices.
The first was the activation device, the "trigger" they had spoken of so many weeks ago.
Most new snowmelt systems operate in conjunction with an automatic activation device that will trigger the system on when it senses precipitation and freezing temperatures.
Electric snowmelt systems are composed of three basic components: heating cable, control unit and an activation device.
There are a number of activation devices used for snow melting applications.
The activation device enables the snowmelt system to run 100% automated.
She cast around for any sort of recognizable control pad or activation device, but all she could see were the same uneven facets twinkling in the light of her helmet lamp.
He then applied this discovery to the ear and designed the Synchrophone which later became the alternophone, a cerebral activation device and wrote "Activating the brain with alternative hearing".
He planted secret activation devices in almost every system on the ship.