If they use technology to lock up their content, the mere unlocking of it is an actionable offense.
Still, those are hardly actionable offenses.
"Fifteen years ago, women who were raped by young men didn't even understand this was an actionable offense," she said in a recent interview.
I understand the reasoning behind outlawing the merchandising of murder, rape, or any other actionable offense.
Drinking from the toilet, sniffing crotches, and chewing chair legs were actionable offenses, though apparently worth suffering a scolding for.
Is that an actionable offense, Gerald?
Very strange that they should commit an actionable offense so brazenly.
One little event I must tell you, because I committed an actionable offense and was nearly discovered.
You are also accused of actionable offenses under the Common Economic Protocol, to which we are a subscriber.
It makes no sense that a military force heading into the 21st century can still operate with a 19th-century notion that adultery is an actionable offense.