The more than 1,200 calls from employees have resulted in 15 disciplinary actions ranging from warnings to dismissals.
Mr. Rogers said the investigation, which could result in disciplinary action ranging from warning letters to license suspension and revocation, is expected to take several weeks.
With the two swords the samurai could keep the enemies within a radius of action ranging from 2 to 7 feet (1 to 3 1/2 meters).
This could be seen in actions ranging from the Microsoft antitrust case to enforcement of environmental regulations.
Failure to uphold these standards can result in disciplinary action ranging from reprimand to permanent disbarrment from practice.
In the past, such inquiries have led, in some cases, to actions ranging from consent decrees to civil fines to criminal inquiries.
Several of the officers present suggest courses of action ranging from arrest to assassination.
Faculty members who violate the policy are subject to disciplinary action ranging from a reprimand to dismissal.
Other staff members involved in the incident were subject to punitive actions ranging from additional professional training to license revocation.
Chief among those problems are a raft of tobacco-related legal actions ranging from class action lawsuits to Government efforts to regulate the tobacco industry.