Expanded Actions include additional actions to promote healthy indoor environments that can be taken during many home energy upgrade projects.
Take action, where it is needed, to address inequality or promote diversity.
Continued military action promotes a cycle of violence that will persist whether Colonel Gaddafi is ousted or not.
They continue to oversee actions to promote the history of Indiana.
And we must start taking coordinated action -Government and industry together - to promote industrial well being.
Mr. Bush's action banned federal aid to international family planning programs that counsel or "actively promote" abortions, even with their own money.
Caffeine blocks the action of the chemical substance adenosine, which scientists believe promotes sleep.
The agency has the discretion to issue such a report in this proceeding and furthermore, this action promotes federal agency transparency.
This action also would promote Minister Biddle to the rank of Ambassador, which required a new appointment.
This can happen if "the court finds such action will promote maintenance of the family unit and be in the best interest of the complaining witness."