Since a thing cannot be destroyed without the action of external forces, motion and rest, too, exist indefinitely until disturbed.
A casualty classification generally used to describe any person killed by means of the action of hostile forces.
A casualty classification generally used to describe any person who has incurred an injury by means of action of hostile forces.
But now something was happen- ing that could not be explained by the action of natural forces.
Rotational stability depends on the relative lines of action of forces on an object.
Military art encompasses actions of military forces in times of peace.
- which is the branch of physics involving analysis of the actions of forces.
For the rest its bottom and walls seemed to be smooth as though they had been planed in the past ages by the action of cosmic forces.
In other words, the way also lies open for the action of various forces which could undermine peace and security there.
The arrest is in keeping with the aggressive actions of American forces in the last nine days.