In the 55 major actions listed in table alone the Germans killed at least 150,000 people, including 14,000 Jews.
All actions listed took place within Northern Ireland, unless stated otherwise.
The walls are inscribed with the names of the 59,939 soldiers who died or were missing in action, listed in chronological order.
Some forms of direct action listed in this article are also public demonstrations or rallies.
Now build a time line around all of the above actions listed in the "How" question.
Take the actions listed in your action plan.
The most recent floor action for each treaty is listed first, with additional actions listed in reverse chronological order.
In other words, if you implement one of the actions listed in the calculator, it will take one full year to realize the estimated emission savings.
Some of the actions listed in the calculator are behavioral changes and don't have an upfront dollar cost.
When performing the actions listed above, auditors need to consider the key objectives from each audit procedure.