There were also affirmative action laws - quotas - that if the force didn't abide by they, would find themselves facing lawsuits.
It will be an affirmative action law, giving blacks a right to security and whites the right to safe streets.
Mass action law for diffusion leads to various nonlinear versions of Fick's law.
In the late '70s, affirmative action laws were new.
Mexico has no affirmative action laws.
Another policy that could promote a woman's ability to work would be affirmative action laws so that women in general have equal access to jobs.
Statistically, the old affirmative action laws, in place since 1978, improved diversity.
While affirmative action laws were not passed (status: January 2010) sought after schools have been guaranteed the right to employ their own quotas since the 1970s.
But, even as Afonso V put into action other laws, regulations, advisories and ordinances, many were ineffective.
Before the election, for instance, there was lots of interest because it was widely believed that the new Government would swiftly impose an affirmative action law.