He said the action infringed on the separation of powers between Congress and the Administration.
He also said the city's actions infringe freedom of speech.
Such actions did not infringe the Corrupt Practice Acts but they did make them virtually inoperative.
If the governmental action infringes upon a fundamental right, the highest level of review-strict scrutiny-is used.
He also argued that the officers' actions infringed his First Amendment right to record the actions of government officials.
However insensitive, the settlers' action in no way infringed upon free worship.
Adobe claimed that these actions are infringing Adobe's copyright and violate Adobe's terms of service.
The Supreme Court said the panel's action infringed on legitimate free speech.
Yet, we also believe that individuals must ultimately be allowed to make decisions for themselves as long as their actions do not infringe upon anyone else's freedoms or safety.
Having criminal remedies in place is seen as a "last resort" since such actions often infringe personal liberties - incarceration, for example, prevents the freedom of movement.