His acting style is remembered for its high energy performance, wide range of facial expressions and engaging, snappy impatience.
Mr. Grundgens, too, offered an acting style closer to cinematic intimacy than stage bombast.
Her acting style has been described as being "natural".
Even their acting style is past.
I hear a hint of shrillness on top, but that also reflects an acting style that can lead her to the brink of overemoting.
But they have been steered into an acting style common to performers in children's shows - broad, jocular and irony-free.
Her acting style has been compared to those of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn.
Combined with acting which followed no "method", he perfected his control of voice and gestures into an acting style that was "unique."
Her acting style is based on the Stanislavski method.
Jeanna - 2 months ago Like her and her acting style.