Mr. Sheldon, who served as acting education commissioner in the case because Mr. Sobol recused himself after publicly criticizing the package, ruled that the board members had acted imprudently, not unlawfully.
I had certainly acted imprudently.
At a hearing last week, he said a central issue before the appeals court was whether the Justice Department had acted imprudently or had engaged in prosecutorial misconduct and obstruction of justice.
Tamurello also had acted imprudently; now, in the semblance of a weasel skeleton he hung constricted within a small glass globe in Murgen's Great Hall at Swer Smod.
She suggested that while the commission may have acted imprudently, there did not appear to have been a conspiracy involving all four of its members to skirt the law to benefit Mr. Velella.
New York City Council Speaker Peter F. Vallone said yesterday that some Council members "may have acted imprudently" in awarding jobs in a city-sponsored youth-employment program to the relatives of employees, political allies or friends.
'IMPRUDENCE' IN JOBS PROGRAM SUGGESTED The City Council Speaker Vallone said that some Council members "may have acted imprudently" in awarding jobs in a city-sponsored youth employment program to the relatives of employees, political allies or friends.
- The Steed brothers might have acted imprudently except for the pacifying influence of their mother.
He may have acted imprudently, but he acted in the interest of discipline, which is in line with the general improvement in his work this year.
This certainly looked plausible, and I acknowledge that few except my father, who never trusted without trusting entirely, would have acted so imprudently.