In 1962, their act, entitled Amusement Business Cavalcade of Fairs, earned them as much as $15,000 a performance.
Then came an unusual act entitled Ancient and Modern, at Blackpool Tower Circus.
There are two numbers from "Forbidden Broadway," and last Sunday there was a short-form version of the act entitled "Chris Durang and Dawne."
In 1898, the Odebolt Chronicle printed an extremely negative review of the Cherry sisters' act, entitled "The Cherries Were Here".
Back on the Tivoli circuit in May 1926, he was partnered by Fred Bluett in an act entitled 'The Admiral and the Sailor'.
Bam and Share then left the band and carried on touring and releasing music in their own act entitled Bubble.
Evans toured the UK in autumn 2008 with his stand-up act entitled "Big".
Later that year he introduced a new act entitled From Light to Dark, in which he appeared alternately in black and whiteface.
From 1789 Grimaldi would appear alongside his siblings in an act entitled "The Three Young Grimaldis".
He had, moreover, considerable poetic faculty, and wrote a drama in three acts, entitled Die Entsagung (Berlin, 1823).