Even a small amount of force, acting across the length of the human body, creates a moment that can make moving about difficult.
During the short war, he also acted as a guide for the white militia in its many marches across Illinois.
Thus, Newton envisioned his law of gravitation as acting across all space.
Density-dependent processes can act across multiple points of the macroparasite life cycle.
The university acts as a link between colleges and institutes across the state in providing higher education.
The time has come to act together again, across a whole range of issues, if we want the treaty to survive.
Several noted that, to be effective, these senior executives had to be in a position to act and effect change across organizational divisions.
"In certain ways, the mind acts across the quantum universe."
The English version of the first game was released on 7 August 2012 with entirely new voice acting across the board.
The event had stalls and visual activities as well as live music acts across all venues.