And what that does is it makes the experience uniform across computers of any speed.
Companies will need webmasters to help make it easier to share information across computers.
Its generality allows a multi-threaded Linda system to be distributed across multiple computers without change.
This allows one to keep browsers across separate computers synchronized.
He has no formal education but stumbled across computers in the early 1990s shortly after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
She moved the light more slowly around the chamber, across the stacks of paper, fiches, and shattered computers.
This allows users to keep decks synchronized across multiple computers, and to study online or on a cell phone.
Reduce system integration and administration costs by maintaining a common software baseline across multiple diverse computers in an organization.
Some venture capitalists say they are looking at technology that would let a company send updates to software across different operating systems, devices and computers.
This allows the user to keep their flashcard sets synchronized across multiple computers.