Stevens was known for using risky acrobatic moves in his matches.
In practice, Nanquan focus more on the use of the arm and full body techniques than high kicks or acrobatic moves.
One acrobatic move - his figure was gone, out over the window ledge!
Bryant had a couple of acrobatic moves once the outcome had been decided, and he finished with 33 points.
A front aerial is an acrobatic move in which a person executes a complete forward revolution of the body without touching the floor.
There, he learned acrobatic moves that he would later use in the boxing ring.
Also, the story of the game centers around a civilian reporter, so no extremely acrobatic moves are available to the player.
He interacts with the crowd and does these amazing acrobatic moves.
He also has the ability to pull off more acrobatic moves using various button combinations.
No acrobatic moves were allowed, only a simple straight dive off the platform.