These acquisitions often involve working cooperatively with other city agencies.
The museum said on Wednesday that the acquisition, a gift from the composer's widow, Annette, involved some 9,000 items.
Non-contractual acquisition involves the collection and exploitation of natural resources that have not previously been claimed as private property.
The acquisition, which is subject to legal and regulatory conditions, involves a combination of cash and stock worth a total of about $165 million.
The new acquisitions involve several intricate arrangements.
"Split and sell" acquisitions involve buying an entire business in order to gain one or two pieces of the business.
Regardless of the contracting method used, the acquisition of a facility will necessarily involve activities and decisions related to all five phases.
A merger or acquisition involves, from a competition law perspective, the concentration of economic power in the hands of fewer than before.
"To date, the acquisitions have been small and have generally involved specialist players."
Bank of New York said the acquisition involved the transfer of about 20 municipal bond trustee and agency relationships.