They were acquired primarily to obtain initial experience with the basics of operating a submarine force.
New slaves were primarily acquired by wholesale dealers who followed the Roman armies.
The land was primarily acquired from lumber companies during the early 20th century.
At this point in time knowledge was acquired primarily through the examination of existing texts.
The mine was subsequently acquired by the Calleja Group transport company primarily as a dump for green waste.
The Commissioner of Taxation must be satisfied the beneficiary's interest wasn't acquired primarily for the purpose of obtaining income averaging.
The information in this article was primarily acquired from Islamic narratives.
Knoblauch has been a star player his entire career, acquired by the Yankees primarily for his skills as a leadoff hitter.
The collection includes items that range from the everyday to the exquisite, material is acquired primarily for its value to teaching and research.
Art works and photographs are acquired primarily for their informational value, and for their importance as historical documents.