The line travelled over flat land which had been cheaply acquired.
Greed played a part in such expropriations: by governments for the profits from land sales or other income, by landlords, settlers or speculators for estates easily and cheaply acquired.
Thereupon, the city decided to develop the plot of land that had been cheaply acquired as grassland; it then constructed the "Arthur Schnitzler-Hof", a Plattenbau from the 1960s.
But if it can be acquired cheaply and pirated, why would anybody pay you for the same service?
It was acquired cheaply by the Adventist church in 1949.
Furs were in demand in Europe, and they could be acquired cheaply from Indians in exchange for manufactured goods the Indians could not make themselves.
However, with a reenergized downtown, businesses started to look for buildings that could be acquired cheaply.
Such problem institutions, which can often be acquired cheaply, are apparently what Mr. Reed sees as "freebies."
Quisling next sold a large number of antiques and works of art that he had acquired cheaply in post-revolutionary Russia.
I can picture the huge sums expended to create these weapons, only to be acquired cheaply by our enemies through espionage.