However, a father only does if he's married to the mother or has acquired legal responsibility.
However, Bouton eventually withdraws, and Daguerre acquires sole responsibility of the diorama theatre.
This includes an unmarried father whether or not he has acquired parental responsibility for the child by court order or agreement.
What an extraordinary faculty he had for acquiring responsibility!
While Seed would still maintain ownership of the site, National Geographic would acquire editorial control and responsibility for advertising sales on the site.
They recently acquired responsibility for search and rescue for vessel incidents as well as environmental protection from the Port and Marine Services Division.
In 2006 he acquired more responsibility through his position as President of Essilor Europe and North America.
London had acquired "responsibility" for Kuwait's foreign affairs in the late 19th century as an agreed-upon method to ward off Turkish Ottoman and German influence.
The Welsh Office acquires responsibility for historic monuments, and for the water supply in Wales.
Later, like the queen bee in a hive, they acquired responsibility for the whole system's reproduction.