But if Perry's deeper devotion catches on, it could place Sinatra in the pantheon of celebrities like Elvis who acquire quasireligious overtones after their spirit ascends.
Each time he reviewed his recollection of that incredible statement, it acquired new overtones, new resonances due to his subconscious, new implications pregnant with terror.
The unpleasant hisses and buzzes of their language had unaccountably acquired musical overtones.
The story became a national sensation in Japan, acquiring mythic overtones, and has since been interpreted by artists, philosophers, novelists and filmmakers.
Later, however, Doug's propensity for psychobabble acquires ominous overtones.
Shadowfane's stillness abruptly acquired overtones of menace.
To a lesser extent, the conflict acquired religious overtones.
"Only later did it acquire overtones of insincerity."
New ideas such as the transmutation of species acquired political overtones because they symbolized a challenge to the existing power structure both within science and within society at large.
The concept acquired mystical overtones, and not least for that reason it was shunned by other scientists, some of whom ridiculed it as a fairy tale.