A search of alternatives identified a property ten miles (sixteen kilometers) from State College that was basically sound and could be acquired for a reasonable amount.
Even then, acquiring the island for $1 or a nominal amount will not be easy.
It was acquired for an undisclosed amount and the details of the agreement were not made public.
In September 2011, Glam acquired the website Ning for an undisclosed amount.
PopUrls was acquired by Idealab in July 2010 for an undisclosed amount.
The media group acquired the franchise for an amount of USD 107 million on 24 January 2008.
Appjet was acquired by Google on December 4, 2009 for an undisclosed amount.
McGarryBowen was acquired for an undisclosed amount by Dentsu in 2008.
Google acquired the company for an undisclosed amount.
Gillette, the 110-year-old Boston consumer-product conglomerate, acquired the naming rights for 15 years for an undisclosed amount.