Occasionally, inhabitants will require the player's assistance in various tasks, which the player may choose to solve in order to acquire special items, experience points, or new followers.
As a result of his activeness, he acquired followers in Kashan and other central Persian areas.
Teachers of adults acquire devoted followers.
Though unknown to Arthur and his court, Galehaut has already acquired considerable power, loyal followers, and a reputation for nobility of character.
As groups grew larger, some leaders acquired more followers, although none had authority over all aspects of Ute life.
When the 1930s drew to a close, the Filipino film industry was well established, and local movie stars acquired huge followers.
Other promotional uses are acquiring followers and subscribers and direct them to your social network pages.
Should they acquire followers, they can evolve into larger gods and gain the ability to manifest themselves and perform miracles.
The test of a leader is not temperament or virtue, but the ability to acquire followers.
I acquired disciples and followers, and many enemies.