As early as 1977, he had acquired documents for himself under the name Thomas F. Baxter.
The precise objective of the library is to acquire all relevant data, information and documents pertaining to the academic activities of the Institute.
After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1988, he began to advise museums and private clients trying to acquire historical documents.
In addition to acquiring documents, Phillips was meticulous in keeping his own estate records.
But in practice, many families acquire documents for their daughters showing false ages, enabling them to wed and procreate earlier.
During the French Revolution he acquired manuscripts and documents, which were stolen from the public libraries in France.
Our agents have acquired documents from a number of sources in Spain and other countries.
They said, "(this product) is a thin-client distributed capture system that streamlines the process of acquiring and creating documents."
Several books describe the arrangements for acquiring supposed historical documents for the church by Hinckley and others.
That led Mr. Assaf to set about acquiring false documents so he could leave the country.