Brokerage companies typically handle sales between companies having surplus ERCs and those wanting to acquire such credits.
Dual credit enrollment educational programs permit students to acquire credits in two different levels of education simultaneously, such as earning a secondary school diploma through classes that also grant university or community college credit.
Students who participate in science shops often can acquire credits toward their degree.
This ensures students can "drop-in" or "drop-out" at various times of the year, while still acquiring credits needed to graduate.
While C2 Certificate holders would normally proceed directly into employment, there should, however, be opportunities for some students to acquire credits allowing them eventually to obtain a C1 Certificate.
After you have acquired enough credits, you will be given Stage Two training and returned here.
This is a system to confer an undergraduate degree to outstanding students who have acquired credits required for graduation within six to seven semesters.
By winning these fights, a player acquires credits, which he can use to buy new techniques or items, and train to become higher ranking than other players.
From 1972 to 1986, Schmidt was involved in the movie industry, where she acquired credits as actress, producer and writer in eleven productions.
As such, a driving force of the game is to acquire credits, the universal currency and status.