With a single touch, the listener can choose among seven different simulated acoustical environments.
The ensemble is tighter and probably warmer at heart than the Kennedy Center's acoustical environment allows.
Recreating the sound of an existing acoustical environment is a two-step process.
The object of these experiments is to identify and mathematically describe the physical variables of sound occurring in different acoustical environments.
At such times, this "Resurrection" seemed not so much a symphony as a vast acoustical and mystical environment.
Other types have similar connections, though differing in detail, between their acoustical environment and their electrical properties.
Rather, they present orchestral music recorded in different acoustical environments.
Alas, a huge cathedral is an acoustical environment far from ideal for an orchestra.
The D.S.P. is responsive to its acoustical environment in still other ways.
She believed the curtains and soft floors created "a perfect acoustical environment" for frequent piano concerts held at the home.