Since then, the Student Center has been holding all major meetings and plays thanks to its large capacity and advanced acoustic system.
The acoustic system works by timing the passage of a known frequency through the metal of the baseboard.
The hall is equipped with a variable acoustic system which adapts to the specific type of music.
The arena has a modern acoustic system, which has 16 speakers and 10 monitors.
Since submerged submarines cannot use radar, passive and active acoustic systems are their primary sensors.
The effects of the seafloor and the sea surface on acoustic systems in shallow water are highly complex, making range predictions difficult.
Supposedly, the supervising police officer turned off the sound of the acoustic system shortly before twelve because he could not understand a telephone conversation.
Disadvantages are the vulnerability to noise by thrusters or other acoustic systems.
In addition to being less expensive than survey airplanes, an acoustic system could be more accurate, researchers say.
The fort of Golkonda is known for its magical acoustic system.