The sort that's sandwiched between acne cream and peeping-tom binoculars.
If you have just a few pimples to treat, you can get an acne cream without a prescription.
Clearasil, an acne cream, uses bentonite as an agent to absorb excess sebum, clearing pores.
Some educators have expressed dismay at the notion of advertisements for candy bars, jeans, acne creams and cars becoming part of the curriculum.
Marie Damm, 23, who uses an acne cream, has no complaints.
Why pay for ads broadcast to an entire population now that commercials could be narrowcast to just the group you want for acne cream or dentures?
Try an acne cream with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
"It can't hurt your pimples to take up yoga or tai chi, as long as you're still using your acne creams."
But not necessarily with the same acne creams you used as a kid.
In one of them, a teenage boy rubs ketchup over his face like acne cream, then puts pickles on his eyes.