Prophecy and certain other spiritual gifts were somewhat rarely acknowledged throughout church history.
There are fragmented populations of lowland Aborigines who still acknowledge their identity and heritage throughout Taiwan.
G-7 leaders in their final communiqué issued on July 8 acknowledging widespread economic gloom throughout the industrialized world.
However, the impression that Northern Manhattan is violence ridden fails to acknowledge the lower levels of crime throughout most of this community.
There are also minor deities, acknowledged throughout the country, but not worshiped at the same level as The Four.
Pedro Paterno, the Congress President, acknowledged 193 representatives throughout the land.
I also want to acknowledge the courage of Kevin himself, and his family, throughout this long ordeal.
With the order acknowledged throughout the team, I wheeled my flyer over and made for Ssah's beacon.
Gibson acknowledges throughout the report that the evidence is incomplete but uses the best available sources.
A modern biography called this an understatement, acknowledging his works in the wider field of medicine throughout his lifetime.