I acknowledged my involvement but categorically denied any knowledge about any other person.
Two attributes of God that place him above the world, yet acknowledge his involvement in the world, are transcendence and immanence.
Nixon acknowledged his own involvement in the cover-up, but always denied advance knowledge of the break-in.
The lawyer declined to offer more details, but said his client "has acknowledged his involvement in that death."
Perri and Lanned, to acknowledge their involvement in all this if nothing else.
Some soldiers have since acknowledged their involvement.
However, once one acknowledges Jackson's involvement with this period it seems important to move on.
D.P.A. reported that the company had acknowledged its involvement in the project.
When the piece achieved worldwide popularity, however, he was happy to acknowledge his involvement.
I am glad to see that your report acknowledges the importance of civic education and citizens' involvement in the decision-making process.