Luminal free fatty acids and bile acids may damage the colonic epithelium and stimulate proliferation, which may increase the risk of colon cancer.
The acid stimulates the activity of PCDH11Y but suppresses PCDH11X.
Alternatively, acid in the duodenum can stimulate S cells to secrete secretin which acts on an endocrine path to activate gastric chief cells.
The acids - arginine and glutamine - might have stimulated his adrenal gland to produce more testosterone than normal, he said.
"Clavulanic acid stimulates sexual behaviour in male rats," Eur.
In contrast, stearic acid, a saturated fatty acid, did not appreciably stimulate PfPP5 activity.
Whether this response occurs only in symptomatic subjects remains controversial as one group of investigators have reported acid stimulated salivary bicarbonate secretion in the absence of symptoms.
The quinolinic acid produced in microglia is then released and stimulates NMDA receptors resulting in excitatory neurotoxiticity.
In cell cultures, the use of methyl jasmonate and jasmonic acid as elicitors stimulates δ-viniferin biosynthesis.
Hydrofluoric acid is corrosive to human tissue, is absorbed through skin, selectively attacks bone and stimulates pain nerves, and causes often-fatal fluorine poisoning.