If your symptoms go away after taking antacids or acid reducers and trying home treatment but then symptoms come back, call your doctor.
Even if you are taking an acid reducer every day, you may still have heartburn from time to time.
The antacid may be used until the acid reducer is able to control the symptoms.
Dr prescribed an acid reducer but, pain persisted.
If no cause can be found (idiopathic ulcer), your ulcer will usually be treated with an acid reducer.
There are several types of nonprescription acid reducers on the market.
If you are taking prescription medicines, be sure to talk with your doctor before you take a nonprescription acid reducer.
Antacids work faster than acid reducers (H2 blockers), but their effect does not last more than 1 to 2 hours.
Ranitidine has been used for years as an acid reducer.
Take antacids or acid reducers to relieve your symptoms of peptic ulcer.