Ammonia may itself diffuse across the renal tubules, combine with a hydrogen ion, and thus allow for further acid excretion.
Indoleic acid excretion is another indicator of hypertryptophanemia.
Effect of large doses of ascorbic acid on the uric acid excretion by normal subjects.
Also, the cell membrane chemistry of fungi is different from that of plants (including organic acid excretion which aids in ion displacement).
In 1876 he received his habilitation for pharmacology and medicinal chemistry with a dissertation involving oxalic acid excretion in the urine.
The pathway is very similar to the pathway of benzoic acid excretion as hippuric acid.
RhCG is required for normal acid excretion by the mouse kidney and epididymis.
This female hormone appears to facilitate uric acid excretion by the kidneys.
Aspirin - low doses of aspirin reduce uric acid excretion and increase the chance for hyperuricemia.
The original paper by Wrong and Davies examined the effect of the 'short ammonium chloride loading test' on acid excretion by the kidney.