The ester is then hydrolyzed and the acid converted to the acid chloride enabling the extension of the peptide chain by another unit.
In this application, the hexafluorosilicic acid converts to the fluoride ion (F), which is the active agent for the protection of teeth.
More autocatalysis when newly generated iodous acid also converts chlorate in the fastest reaction step:
Chromic acid converts it into 1-naphthoquinone.
Above a pH of 5.5, acetic acid converts to acetate:
This shows aqueous carbonic acid converts to carbon dioxide and water:
Being triprotic, phosphoric acid converts stepwise to three conjugate bases:
Fumaric acid converts to the irritant maleic anhydride, upon partial combustion.
The acid converts some of the cellulose into amyloid form having a gelatinous and impermeable character.
Sulfuric acid converts the calcium hydroxide in concrete to calcium sulfate.