Program designed specifically to help chemically addicted women achieve sobriety.
After one last stay in a court-ordered drug treatment program, Downey finally achieved sobriety.
Even after achieving sobriety, he continued to be plagued by depressions.
The article described how this young organization helped alcoholics achieve and maintain sobriety.
This is an opportunity to share problems related to using patterns and attempts to achieve stable sobriety.
For a time, he had also achieved sobriety during his extensive stay in Belgium.
Women who had a turning point entailing a realization that their life was out of control achieved sobriety in less than average time (two years).
Similarly, women who had felt suicidal or attempted suicide achieved sobriety in one year.
After he achieved sobriety, Sam decided to continue to own and operate the bar for "sentimental reasons."
Doe Webster was the first to achieve full sobriety.