"Music videos are a very expensive and time consuming process but Moviestorm allows me to achieve shots and effects that even with a modest budget would still be very out of reach," she said in an interview in late 2010.
I also appreciated seeing how the camera teams worked too because I wondered how you achieved such amazing shots.
CGI still struggles to be 100% photorealistic, and the time and cost to achieve photo-realistic shots far exceeds the cost of shooting the live action itself.
Although the Lumix G2 has all the manual functions you could ever need, it also features Intelligent Auto mode, so you can achieve great shots every time.
The objective of the game is to take pictures of Pokémon, using items such as apples and "pester balls" to achieve better shots.
This feature allows directors and cameramen to achieve shots in minutes that previously took cinematographers hours in rigging and designing special sets to accommodate shooting positions.
This enabled him to get close to wild otters and pumas and achieve shots that have proved impossible for others.
The technology, originally developed by the military, provides an unprecedented degree of motion stabilization and extreme telephoto capabilities to achieve "rock solid" aerial shots despite the vibration inherent in helicopter flights.