I think we'll achieve greater lift.
The stylish hand held Ultratone Facial unit is the perfect way to achieve tone and lift, keeping your face looking good.
This holds particular interest in aeronautical engineering because drag may be reduced whilst achieving high lift.
"By adjusting the pitch of the blades you can achieve lift or thrust or a combination thereof."
The heavier the plane, the more runway it needs to reach speeds high enough to achieve sufficient lift for takeoff.
It achieved lift by use of two contra-rotating rotors powered by an electric motor that was supplied with power from the ground.
Thus other birds in the flock do not need to work as hard to achieve lift.
"We started bending the wings, to see if we could still achieve lift," Anthony Gentile says.
Aircraft also depend on high power-to-weight ratio to achieve sufficient lift.
Thus, the birds flying behind do not need to work as hard to achieve lift.