Hyper-alphas are defined by their willingness to kill any number of anonymous individuals to achieve domination.
Since her bottom has already achieved global domination, one can only assume that these ignoramuses were looking at a picture of her face.
In short, the most advanced creature on his world, whose race swiftly achieved domination.
"Once the men realized that I had achieved domination over their dreams, they considered me a true magician, a position superior to theirs."
Some time before the year 2440, a "super-racketeer" known as Kane achieved complete global domination.
In killing they achieved total domination of another human being.
I wonder if that's the reason I have not achieved total professional or social domination in this town.
It has achieved political and economic domination through the exercise of state power.
They watched the humans war between themselves incessantly as the separate governments struggled to achieve domination over one another.
The players are each given a base and a construction unit and must build up their forces to achieve domination of the chosen game map.