In very wide valleys, it is better to use a pylon for each phase in order to achieve sufficient distance between the conductors.
"Without the drive, we may be unable to achieve sufficient distance to be useful," said Spock.
"We have achieved optimum distance, sir," one of the techs sang out.
And veered off on his sled, describing an arc as he used the winds to achieve height- and distance.
However, hurling devices do exist to assist the javelin thrower in achieving greater distance.
The Reed-Solomon codes used achieve constant rate and constant relative distance at the expense of an alphabet size that is linear in the message length.
That is how she has been able to achieve such distance from it.
In the kneel jump, for instance, a contestant leaps from a deep squat, trying to achieve as much distance as possible.
Alberg had learned early how to achieve distance from his work.
Aly has to achieve distance from her mother (and father) and to grapple with the examples they have set.