But the meandering play never achieves definition, and Jennifer Van Dyck lacks a certain believability as the woman who becomes a magnet in the lives of both men.
Led by Tim Choate as the philologist, the characters achieve definition.
His representations are simplistic, his colors vivid, his outlines defined by thin black strokes; his figuration achieves contour and definition in the composition of curved and straight lines.
It also features Nokia's PureView Pro technology, a pixel oversampling technique that reduces an image taken at full resolution into a lower resolution picture, thus achieving higher definition and light sensitivity, and enables lossless zoom.
Instead, the play moves back and forth among families, not all of whom achieve definition.
It was also the first time that Kubrick filmed using anamorphic 35mm horizontal Super Technirama process to achieve ultra-high definition, and which allowed him to capture large panoramic scenes, including one with 8,000 trained soldiers from Spain representing the Roman army.
The first major modification to the gardens during this phase occurred in 1680 when the Tapis Vert - the expanse of lawn that stretches between the Latona Fountain and the Apollo Fountain - achieved its final size and definition under the direction of André Le Nôtre (Nolhac 1901; Thompson 2006).
The Rattle sound is a very transparent and constructed sound, with much more articulation to achieve definition in the sound.
Used mainly for deer hunting, this pattern achieved more depth, detail, and definition than any pattern before it.
Despite Mr. Jackson's stalwart performance, the character never achieves definition or self-discovery.