The people of Vierde make an effort to work together to achieve cohesion, something which is seen as very important.
The spirits will aid in this, and help the clan achieve cohesion.
We feel that the Funds are a necessary but insufficient condition for achieving economic and social cohesion.
Would it not make sense to deploy this with a view to achieving cohesion in the East, even before enlargement takes place?
The third point is that this exercise has a clear objective: to achieve greater cohesion between the two policies.
In order to achieve territorial cohesion, this is a prerequisite.
This is vital if we are to achieve social, economic and territorial cohesion.
Achieving social, economic and territorial cohesion is one of the important objectives of the European project.
In the last resort, each Member State is responsible for using the instrument to achieve cohesion.
My concern is that we need to strike a balance between the areas of infrastructure, transport, environment and human resources in order to achieve cohesion.