Eventually, this led to baseball players' achieving total free agency after six years in the major leagues, unless they chose to sign a contract.
A 1999 study shows that only half those seeking tenured positions in English had actually achieved them after 10 years.
The club achieved promotion back to the Football League for the 2013-14 season after 25 years outside it.
It is such a statue as the man of average talent would achieve after two years training in the schools.
She achieved her physique after 20 years of training.
On the day in 1974 that she achieved "unification" after 44 years of illness, all 22 had been done away with.
The first degree is the Laurea that can be achieved after three years of studies.
His 'natural' ability at the piano was achieved after nearly sixteen years of hard work and practice.
With Korea, this is what we have achieved after two intensive years of negotiations.
They achieved their second national title after only four years of existence.