Alcoholics who stop smoking as well as drinking are more likely to achieve long-term abstinence - to say nothing...
Decades of trials have shown that only a small minority of addicts achieve abstinence.
Furthermore, the effort itself to achieve abstinence may consume willpower from its ultimate purpose.
Barton admitted to being an alcoholic and claimed he wanted to achieve "total abstinence" in order to improve his behaviour.
However, there is a considerable population of inveterate smokers who are unable or unwilling to achieve abstinence.
Treatment in centres such as Trinity Court required a commitment from the patient to achieve abstinence from drugs.
The clinic would like people to achieve abstinence, but it imposes no time limit; many patients may be on methadone forever.
Several studies have provided evidence for CRA's effectiveness in achieving abstinence.
The objective of the aid policy should not be restricted to achieving total abstinence in the long run.
Behavioral programming is considered critical to helping those with addictions achieve abstinence.